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Matt is a man of few words.
His music speaks for itself.

(and a bunch of music legends as well)

"About Matt Menefee, it's a little bit unfortunate that I have to condense all of the wonderful things I believe about Matt into a short time. I'll just say that he is technically one of the best musicians I have ever worked with. Yes, he is very gifted, but also he works non stop (literally) at his craft. He has an incandescent deep soul and one of the greatest laughs your ever likely to hear. Lastly, and perhaps most important, he has great humility when it comes to his faith. I have witnessed  grace in his day to day interaction myself and anyone he might encounter."

- JOHN COWAN (Founder of New Grass Revival & John Cowan Band)

“Matt is one of the freshest and most interesting voices on any instrument I’ve heard in a long time. What a blast listening to him and playing music together.”
-Warren Haynes (Allman Brother, Gov’t Mule)